

SEO for<\/h2>\n

Distributors<\/h1>\nDistributors around the world are in a unique position to help build and scale global economies. They play an important role in getting products from manufacturers to businesses and consumers in an efficient manner \u2013 but they also work within a competitive industry.\n\nWhether your distribution company focuses on business-to-business (B2B) sales, business-to-consumer (B2C) sales, or a bit of both, you are ultimately dealing with people. Individuals make buying decisions, and in order for them to find your distributorship, they need to be able to find you online.\n\nYou can help your customers discover your company with search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps your company rank in search engine results when users perform searches related to your products \u2013 and allows you to reach them when they\u2019re actively looking to find information or make a purchase.\n\n\nView Pricing Plans\n<\/a>\n\nSearch engine optimization involves several different steps that work together to make it easy for potential customers to find you.\n\nThese steps fall into two main categories: On-page SEO and off-page SEO.\n\nBoth play an important role in improving your site\u2019s search engine rankings for keywords that are important to your business, and can help you attract more customers online.\n\nOn-page SEO is best described as all of the elements on your site that impact its ability to rank in search engine results page.\n

Keyword optimization<\/h2>\nEvery page on your website provides your visitors with information, and users search for this information by typing specific keywords into search engines like Google.\n\nYou can adjust your content to include relevant keywords your target market is likely to use when searching to improve your rankings in their results. For instance, if your company sells heavy machinery like backhoes to retail outlets, you may want to structure your keywords around words like \u201cbackhoes for sale in [your city].\u201d\n\nYou can also include these keywords in elements like page titles, headings, meta descriptions, and image alt tags.\n\nAt WebFX, we\u2019ll work with you to determine the most important keywords for your business, then optimize each of your pages to rank as high as possible in search engine results.\n

Site structure<\/h2>\nYour website should look good not just to human eyes, but also to the Google bots that crawl and index it. What they see is the code, and that code must be easy to crawl and index so that it can easily show up in results pages.\n\nEven minor glitches can send a Google crawler away \u2013 meaning that the page won\u2019t be indexed, and won\u2019t be able to rank in search results. If your site structure isn\u2019t SEO-friendly, this is the first issue we\u2019ll fix before optimizing your site for specific keywords and phrases.\n\nYour site structure should also be easily accessible to users.\n\nYou should be sure to have a navigation bar on all of your pages to ensure that from any place on your website, users can easily find what they’re looking for. You should also have a sitemap on your site, which acts as a guide to all the locations and pages on your website.\n\nOff-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO. But as you can guess from the name, it doesn\u2019t take place on your site, but on other sites online. This often makes it a more challenging component, but one that is equally important.\n

Link building<\/h2>\nLinks from other websites serve as signals of authority in Google\u2019s eyes, because they show that other sites trust your content enough to share it with their readers.\n\nThe more links you have from reputable sites, the more Google will trust you \u2013 and the higher you\u2019ll be able to rank in search engine results.\n

Guest articles and blogging<\/h2>\nOne of the best ways to earn links from is by publishing original content on other sites, then having them link to your site as the source.\n\nHave the opportunity to share your information as an expert? Do it. Even if you have to outsource the writing to your Internet marketing agency, earning links is worth it for your SEO efforts. Publishing articles and guest posts online also builds brand awareness and shows readers that you\u2019re a reliable source of information.\n
