Top 5 Reasons Your Industrial Website Should Include Unique Content

Your industrial company stands out from your competitors in the products and services you provide, the way you do business, and your company culture. But do you also stand out in terms of your content?

The content on your website is incredibly important and should be exclusive to your industrial company. This means the content on your website is helpful and unique, and the best possible resource a customer could find on the topic.

It can be time consuming to come up with your own unique content, but the benefits will bring in more visitors to your website and even help you avoid being penalized by Google.

Here are the top 5 reasons to create unique content for your industrial website.

1. User-benefits

Visitors to your site are there to learn more about your industrial company and the products and services it provides.

If your content is duplicated elsewhere on the web, your industrial company could potentially lose quality and trust. Offer your website visitors content that is original and relevant so that they don’t find what they’re looking for from a competitor or other source.

Furthermore, visitors will gain a better understanding of your products and services if your content is unique to your company. Instead of speaking in generalized terms, create detailed descriptions, be specific, and highlight the things that are exclusive to your industrial company.

2. SEO

Believe it or not, search engines reward original thoughts and penalize plagiarism. Search algorithms will rank websites with unique content higher than those with duplicate content, drawing in more visitors.

When there are multiple versions of the same content on the web, the search engine will typically only display the one that is deemed more relevant, leaving the other version out of the rankings. Creating original content avoids this problem altogether and will actually increase search rankings.

3. Opportunities for CTAs

Writing about your industrial company in a specific and unique way will allow you to create distinct calls-to-action. Your CTAs should be specific to your company and to your website.

Get users excited about doing business with you, instead of giving them the same content and CTA they’ve seen over and over again on other industrial websites. Users are used to seeing CTA’s that say “contact us” or “get in touch.”

Instead of doing what everyone else is doing, try creating a CTA that is more unique and specific to your business. For example, your heavy machinery company could use a CTA button that says “I’m interested in more efficient farming equipment.”

Use your unique CTA to make your company stand out from others in the industry. This will draw more users in and ultimately result in more leads.

4. More likely to be shared

Another great benefit of adding unique content is that it is more likely to be shared somewhere else on the web, giving your website more visibility and SEO value.

No one is going to share the same old boring content they come across on every site, but if you create original, exciting content, users will want to share on social media and other websites.

For example, if your industrial company provides industrial-sized refrigerators to restaurants, you could create an entire blog post about the inner-workings of your refrigerator and how to maintain it. To take it to the next level, you could create an infographic to go along with it – making it even more likely that content like yours can’t be found anywhere else.

Having your content shared can increase SEO value and draw more visitors to your site. If your company uses social media platforms, you can expect more page likes as a result of having your website’s content shared.

5. Increase in conversions

Ultimately, all of these things help with one overall goal: increasing conversions and ROI.

Unique content means a higher SEO ranking, which means more website visitors. Those visitors can then find the original content they wanted, be drawn to your unique CTA, and share the content on the web.

Increased traffic and a higher search ranking play a huge role in helping your industrial company to increase conversions on your site. All it takes is a little research, time, and effort to create unique web content, and the benefits extend beyond what’s listed here.

How to create unique content

Creating unique content can be a challenge, but there are practical steps you can take to come up with some great ideas. 3 ways you can come up with unique content are outlined below.

Keyword research

Doing extensive keyword research is a great way to find out what your users are interested in. There are lots of tools that can assist you in keyword research, but one of the best tools is the search bar in Google.

When you start to type a phrase in Google, the search bar will automatically offer options that are popular.

There are also a handful of free tools you can use for keyword research including,, and keywords everywhere.

According to Keywords Everywhere, some of the most highly-searched industrial keywords include “industrial lighting,” “industrial coffee table,” “industrial desk,” and “industrial shelving.”

Look at competitors

Another way to generate unique content is to look at the types of content your competitors are posting. Then, do what they are doing, but better.

It is important not to copy exactly what your competitors are doing because that could lead to duplicate content issues, but it is a good way to get new ideas. Just be sure to make it your own and tailor the content to fit your own website.

Learn about your users

Doing research to find out other things your users are interested in is a surefire way to come up with new, unique content.

Through tools like Google Analytics, you can find out about your user’s interests and hobbies. Then, you can create content that is original and appealing to the visitors on your site.

For example, if you find that a handful of visitors are making their way to your site after searching for a specific keyword, like “industrial coffee table,” you can begin to create content that is based on your coffee table offerings.

What kind of content do you utilize?

Adding unique content to your site will not only be beneficial to your users, but it can increase your SEO ranking too.

What types of content do you utilize on your industrial website? Let us know in the comments below!