Lead Nurturing for Industrial Companies

In an industry where generating new leads is a primary focus, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new lead coming through.

Whether the lead is a contact form submission, a phone call, or a newsletter signup, new leads mean more business. So, why is it that so many industrial companies drop the ball and don’t convert these leads into customers?

The answer lies in lead nurturing.

Your job doesn’t end when leads roll in. Actually, quite the opposite is true. Converting leads into sales is a job all its own. Luckily, lead nurturing is here to help.

Lead nurturing is just what it sounds like – cultivating leads so they may return and grow into sales. This is usually done by following up and reaching out to the leads that came through to try to make a sale. Though there are many ways to do this, the most common type of lead nurturing is done through email.

Email lead nurturing

Your leads are essentially a list of individuals or companies who have shown an interest in your industrial products or services. In order to become a lead on your site, someone has to fill out a contact form and provide their email address to you. This gives you permission to contact them about your industrial company.

After you’ve captured leads via contact forms on your website, you can use Google Analytics to gain more in-depth information about your site visitors in order to customize their emails and nurture them as a lead.

With the Google Analytics platform, you’ll have access to information surrounding the pages your leads visited, how long they spent on the site, and how they found the site.

These metrics about your leads, in conjunction with their email address they provided to you, allows you to follow up with personalized emails.

For example, if an individual spent most of their time on a particular machinery page, you could send an email regarding that specific piece of machinery. Emails can be tailored to highlight anything the individual showed interest in.

Then, you can create multiple email campaigns that target different products, services, and features that can be sent out to leads who showed an interest in a particular product.

The key is to make sure that the emails are targeting whatever the lead showed interest in. Otherwise, the email will appear to be a generic promotional email. You want your leads to know that you are paying attention to what they’re looking for, and you can provide it to them.

Benefits of lead nurturing for industrial companies

Email lead nurturing happens to be one of the most cost-effective techniques of converting leads to sales. In fact, the average ROI of an email campaign is $44. In addition to increasing ROI, email campaigns are used to do the following:

Stay in contact with your leads

Maintaining consistent communication with your consumer’s will help you to learn more about them and will increase their loyalty to your company.

For example, with one or two email exchanges, you can quickly learn what industrial products your customer is interested in, what kind of project they’re using it for, and even their ideas for a future purchase.

Your leads will appreciate knowing that you are thinking about them and you value their business.

Keep your company top-of-mind

Receiving emails after visiting your site will remind your consumer of your industrial company throughout the buying cycle.

Even if they don’t need a certain piece of equipment at the time they receive a promotional email, you’ll be the first company they go to when they do need your products or services since you are consistently in their inbox.

Reduce the chance of a competitor taking your sales

When you make yourself visible and available to your consumer’s, they are less likely to go looking around for other options.

Emails make you accessible to customers, and also show that you’re interested in their business. By staying in a customer’s inbox, you consistently provide them with a way to contact you, and a link to your website.

Increase engagement

An email is a good way to draw previous visitors back to your site when they otherwise may have forgotten about it.

In your emails, you can provide links to your company blog, links to new products and services, or links to your company’s YouTube channel. Providing these links gives the user a direct channel back to your website where they can continue to interact and engage with the site.

Shorten the sales cycle

An email reminder about a product or service may prompt your consumer to make a purchase decision more quickly by making it a priority for them. This is especially important for industrial companies who tend to have drawn out sales cycles.

A buying decision that may have taken weeks or months could be drastically shortened by a simple follow-up email.

Questions about lead nurturing?

If you have any questions about how to nurture your leads, leave a comment below!