How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page

Your business has found some initial success in social media and you are planning on growing, or you are branching out into social media for the first time and want to do it right. You can be anywhere on the scale of social media ability and be unsure about LinkedIn. Why? LinkedIn is a unique social media because it is more elite. It rises above the other forms of social media because there is professional etiquette and discussion, although they are loosely determined by the users. Once you navigate this sea of unknown rules and learn how to utilize your own professional voice LinkedIn is an effective marketing tool that will directly impact your business.

What are the Benefits?

Benefits and perks are the end goal of your usage of LinkedIn or any social media. You use Facebook because it makes you feel connected to others, twitter because you stay up to date on the most recent information, youtube because you love those cat videos. What are you working towards getting out of LinkedIn by creating a business page?

  • Influence & Learn

The first impact you will feel is when you start influencing. After building up your connectionWhat are the Benefits of Creating a Linkedin Page - IndustrialFXs, you will participate in a discussion and learn from your peers while also sharing your professional experience. Professional experience is gold. Hard skills can be learned easily, but the soft skill developed through experience is extremely valuable in the professional realm.

  • Business to Business

Within your professional influencing and discussions, you are marketing your business’s morals, culture and overall work. This is one way you will get business to business connections. You will make an impression that will make businesses want to work with you.

It works bothways. You will be in need of a business to perform a new task or job and you happen upon a conversation or post from a business that shares your values. You can give that company business because you connect on a social basis which will lead to a positive relationship. You can also develop these relationships through LinkedIn’s marketing solutions, but that is a whole separate article.

  • Potential Employees

As your business grows because of your online marketing success, you will have to find new employees. Potential candidates have all of their information online and can be searched for easily. There is actually a career page you can create to streamline your hiring process through LinkedIn.

Get Organized

Before you create a LinkedIn page, you should have a website, a personal LinkedIn profile and your basic information ready. This will make the initial set up smooth and effective.

Setting up a Company Page

Logo Linkedin - IndustrialFXPlanting a seed is simple, but growing a healthy plant requires time and patience. First, go to the new company setup page. Enter your business name and verify that you are allowed to create the page. Hit create the page and confirm your email. Boom! Your job is done, all the business you ever dreamed of will come quickly through your business’s LinkedIn page. Not exactly. The seed is bought from the store, but now you have to give it healthy soil, water and sunlight.

The soil is your profile. This is all of the essential information that you place on a variety of social media profiles. Your location, website, contact information, logo, interests, background and what your business does. It is essentially your website’s contact page and about page combined with some added pizazz. What is the pizazz? That is anything that makes your business stand out from the competition. Make it visually appealing and full of nutrients. This will make it that people get something from your page every time they visit. Other optimization tactics you should include is language options and a showcase page. The showcase page allows you to design an extension to make your brand pop.

Next is the water. This is how you get your LinkedIn profile to flow in front of others and branch out. These are the roots of your social media marketing plan. Company pages should be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This will allow your page to be found through LinkedIn’s search bar and Google’s search bar. This will create multiple outlets for people to find your business.

What is the water truly? It is content. Content like blog posts, statuses and image or video-based content will boost your profile’s influence and your connection’s awareness of your brand. This content should be relative primarily to business practices and develop into business services. Information content is always going to attract connections because you are providing a service to them.

The sunlight. This is the part of your LinkedIn marketing that helps your page to grow quickly. The sunlight is your connections. Place an icon on your website to inform people you have that form of social media. Reach out to all of your employees and get them to connect with your business. Follow industries you already work with and post content that links to their business’s profile. As you gain followers and connections your profile will continue to grow with exceeding speed. This is something that also makes LinkedIn different. Promotional tactics like prizes for follows that are used on Facebook or Twitter appear to be tacky on LinkedIn. This social media platform is quality and content focused.

Continued Growth

As you develop your content you can also see what your connections are interested in and how your page is doing by viewing your analytics. This will inform you on how to make a higher quality impact with each post. Consider supplementing your efforts with social media management services for industrial and manufacturing companies to ensure consistent and effective engagement.

As you develop your influence on LinkedIn you will see other profiles. Take into consideration the tactics they use and what seems to be working for them. Take their idea and make it your own. In all social media as well as LinkedIn the best tactic is to be genuine. Social media is a tool to get others to know you well and to grow with your business. A façade will be off-putting and result in a following that is not actually interested in your business.

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